Decorate Living Room with Style with Detroit Mommies

Dress Up Your Living Room with Style

Let’s Make Sure Your Living Room Has Style With all the right elements and furnishings in place, your living room can be a fun and trendy place for the family and guests to enjoy.  The question is, “How do we make it that way?”  Ideally we like a clean living room, but certainly not bare …

Happy Mother’s Day to Me!

  There is one sure way to get what you want for Mother’s Day…… pick the items out yourself!  I knew that I really wanted to perk up our dormant patio area so why not achieve two goals at once, get what I wanted for Mother’s Day and improve the patio.  I also knew that …

Re-Decorating My Son’s Bedroom – Finally!

My son will be eight years old soon. His bedroom is a non-descript place that has had only a few minor changes since he came home from the hospital to set-up camp. The crib has been replaced with a full size bed and there was an addition of a homemade train table, but other than …