Friendships examined

This book has done something I really didn’t expect. It forced me to look at the friends I have, the amount of appreciate I give to them and the encouragement we give each other.

The next chapter

You know what’s awesome about insomnia? I have nearly all the time I want to read in the middle of the night. And that is what I did on Saturday night when the sleep eluded me.

The beginning

I picked up my copy of “The Girls from Ames” on Saturday. I was so anxious to see what it was about, but I was a little hesitant because I’m not really one for true stories. I like that fast-paced chick-lit with backstabbing girlfriends and the ultra romantic boyfriends. I got a start on it Sunday night

Join the Detroit Mommies Book Club starting next week

We are moms. We have that in common, but that’s probably about it. Some of you are stay-at-home moms, others are work-at-home-moms, some work part-time and others (like me) work full-time. Some of us juggle freelance projects (like this one for me). Some of us volunteer. Some of us take care of aging parents of special needs children. But the one important fact of life that moms often take for granted is that it is important to make time and take time for themselves.