Make Your Own Lego Marble Maze

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Looking for something to keep the kids busy for a while this summer?  Why not bring out all the Lego bricks and let them create their own Lego Marble Maze.  We’ve seen them all over Pinterest and YouTube.    This is the one that inspired us It’s a good starting point and then your kids can change things up and have a lot of fun creating it.  My son changed his quite a few times to get it just right.  This project kept my son busy for a few hours the other day.


Various Lego Bricks and a large flat Lego platform piece

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1.  Start by making a border around the outside edge

lego maze 1

2.  Begin clicking bricks into place, leaving the trial wide enough for a marble to fit through.  The goal in this version of the maze was to get to the snake in the corner, but you can leave an opening in the border and have that be the goal as well.

lego maze 3

3.  Get creative with all kinds of twists and turns and unique Lego pieces that you have laying around.

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4.  Have fun with it!


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