SurfShelf Review and Giveaway

I’m all about multi-tasking, well really, I have no choice. I have to multi-task or I would never get anything done! I review for two other blogs (Peekaboo Picks and and have three of my own blogs along with a boutique (The Apple of My Eye) and three girls under the age of 6, so I’m quite busy all of the time!

The SurfShelf has come to the multi-tasking mommies rescue! Hey moms: No more excuses for that fat, flab and fatigue! Now you can surf the web, catch up on your favorite blogs, tweet on Twitter or watch TV all while walking on the treadmill or riding a stationary bike.

I think this is a wonderful product because for one thing, I’m always on the computer and NEED to exercise more and for another, I have gotten rid of a lot of magazine subscriptions to better the environment, so now I have a way to read while working out. Now, I have no excuse to not work out!

I had my husband put the shelf together when it arrived and he said it was super easy to assemble. Attaching the shelf to the exercise bike was also easy which is great because I’m using it at a gym outside my home, so I have to re-attach it every time I go to the gym. This might sound like a lot of work, but it is so worth it to get some uninterrupted computer time!

SurfShelf recently dropped their price point due to the economic stress everyone is feeling so that more people will be able to afford it. They are now selling for $39.95!

SurfShelf would like to give one lucky Giftfully Simple reader the opportunity to win a SurfShelf for themselves!

To win you must tell me what your #1 excuse is for not working out. If you never make up excuses, you ROCK, so tell me what you do to stay motivated!

Extra entries: (leave comments for each task to get multiple entries)

1. Tweet on Twitter about this contest. Multiple tweets count! Copy and paste:

RT @theappleofmyeye Win a SurfShelf for Mother’s Day!

RT @theappleofmyeye Surf the web while working out!

RT @theappleofmyeye This is for the multi-tasking mama!

2. Stumble, Digg or Kirtsy this contest

3. Join the SurfShelf group on Facebook (here)

4. Blog about this giveaway. (must be at least 1 paragraph and link back to Giftfully Simple and SurfShelf) 5 entries!!!! Leave a separate comment for each entry.

Contest ends May 11 @ midnight EST. Winner will be chosen using

Courtney Lawless

Courtney is the traveling mom! She has 3 girls and is the founder of Detroit Mommies and currently lives in Florida. You can follow her on Twitter @courtneyRVL.

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