I’m apart of this awesome new site called Mom Faves and I’m here to tell you all about it!
MomFaves is the mom word-of-mouth network™ that reveals what moms love most. Mom Faves is a great place to find the best of the best, so you won’t be clambering when searching for a great gift for a baby shower, birthday party or graduation party you have to go to.
What you do first is go sign up and fill out your profile as much or as little as you’d like. Add a picture, fill out some general questions or don’t add any information…it’s up to you.
Next, browse the items that moms all across the nation have added as their favorite t.v. show, restaurant, store, game, product, recipe, website, deal, etc and click on (fave it) if you would also like to include them as a favorite of yours.
Then, find some friends or invite some new ones (these will be your girlfriends). See what they are “faving” and add those faves.
Last, add some favorites of your own (submit fave). I’m sure there are some favorites that these ever so smart moms have missed that are a must in every mom’s life! Add your fave and watch other mom’s (fave it) your pick.
When you add an item and it gets “faved “by another mom, you get a point (this is one of the ways you can get addicted to this site). The more points you have the higher you move up in the line of moms who have really great finds. This has been my goal since the Mom Faves launch party and I’ve moved up to the #10 spot within days just by adding the things I fave in life.
Also, if you have a business or blog…add it! What great exposure you can get by encouraging your friends to (fave it) your site. The more faves you get the more likely people are going to intrigued and want to check out your site! BTW you can (fave it) my sites Giftfully Simple and The Apple of My Eye. Thanks!
So, leave a comment by answering one of these questions and then go to Mom Faves and sign up!
1. What is one thing you would add to the site that is a favorite baby or children’s item that you cannot live without?
2. What is your favorite local non-chain restaurant?
3. What is your favorite store to shop in where you get the best deals?
4. What is a favorite movie you love to watch with the whole family?

Courtney Lawless

Courtney is the traveling mom! She has 3 girls and is the founder of Detroit Mommies and currently lives in Florida. You can follow her on Twitter @courtneyRVL.

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