Make a College Student Goody Basket

You are probably wondering what shaving cream is doing on Giftfully Simple. Well, there a few reasons Pure Silk shaving cream is on my blog and of course I’m going to tell you because hello, I’m a blogger and this is what we do:)

The first reason is that I was offered the opportunity to try some of the new scents from Pure Silk and I was intrigued by the shaving cream. You see…I NEVER use shaving cream to shave my legs. I usually use bar soap and I was wondering if that might be the reason that I sometimes get bumps.

The second reason is that the new scents they offered for me to try sounded more like yummy edible treats (Rasberry Mist, Citrus Zest, Melon Splash, Plumeria, Coconut & Oat Flour and Peaches & Cream) and less like stuff you slather all over your legs and then wash away.

Third reason is that I had a great idea because of Pure Silk offering me to try their product that has to do with shaving cream, college students and gift giving.

My idea is for all of you that know someone that is going off to college to make a goodie basket of some of the essentials a college student will need to get started on their adventure and one of those things will be shaving cream and like I said, Pure Silk not only smells great, but it is making my skin super smooth unlike the shaved legs of my past that were shaved using bar soap…oops!

Here is the list of items you’ll need for your College Student Gift Basket:

  • toothbrush/toothpaste
  • razor/shaving cream
  • deodorant
  • lotion, body spray, hair perfume
  • red bull for those late night study groups
  • popcorn for those late night hunger pains
  • garbage can- this can be used to put all the goodies in with some shredded paper from your paper shredded (I like to recycle as much as possible)
  • a gift card to a pizza place, fast food restaurant or grocery store (if you give them cash they might use it for non essentials, so gift cards are your best bet)
  • a phone card for emergency calls so when they lose their cell phone they have a way of calling you to request a replacement

Got anymore ideas? Add them in the comments along with your blog url and I’ll add them and link them to your blog. Thanks!

Courtney Lawless

Courtney is the traveling mom! She has 3 girls and is the founder of Detroit Mommies and currently lives in Florida. You can follow her on Twitter @courtneyRVL.

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